Saturday 26 February 2011


Traditional, Unique, Inherited


Scale, Disproportionate, Resting

C. Sparklers

This is a photo I took, using long exposure on a digital SLR camera, taken over a series of minutes. We used sparklers to create different shapes and movements, We found the longer the you repeated the one pattern in the air the more defined and clearer the image became.

Friday 25 February 2011

B. Green Roof Architecture (University in Singapore)

I really enjoy architecture which works with its environment and the idea that architecture compliments its surroundings. With buildings like this one the line between the landscape and the building seems blurred, which is something that I think is very interesting and visually appealing. I’ve also read that green roof architecture helps to lower the roof temperature, protects the building, cools the surrounding air and can be used to harvest rainwater for irrigation.

A. Brotherfunk

My most creative works before coming to this course mainly consisted of music and drama works. I am currently part of a funk band,"Brotherfunk" and we write our own original songs and get many regular gigs. I play keys and saxophone, and write all my own parts. I thoroughly enjoy collaborating ideas and working together as part of a creative team.